Not enough CPU resource

There can be many reasons why a pod is in a Pending state. One reason is that the pod has requested more CPU than there is available in the cluster.

How k8sbot can help

By asking k8sbot to describe the pod. It will give you pertinent details on why the pod is in a pending state.


@k8sbot describe pod <pod name>


NAME                                                                            READY     STATUS    RESTARTS  AGE       POD IP              NODE IP             
echoserver-init-not-enough-cpu-657f6fb8f5-wmgj5                                 ---       Pending   ---       ---```                                               
*Pod Conditions:*
```TYPE                STATUS    REASON              MESSAGE   
PodScheduled        False     Unschedulable       0/3 nodes are available: 3 Insufficient cpu.


TYPE      REASON              FROM                     MESSAGE   
Warning   FailedScheduling    default-scheduler        0/3 nodes are available: 3 Insufficient cpu.


* The nodes available don't have enough cpu resources.  This usually means that the pod has requested for more CPU than is available on the cluster